Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Blogentines Day Celebration!

What a difference a year makes! Less than twelve months ago Tomblogger Womannis and I were at each others' throats. The 49th Ward was in the midst of a hotly contested campaign for alderman. Tomblogger was volunteering for the campaign of James Ginderske (a "man" who used to be a friend of mine until he failed to make me his campaign director). I was knocking all the candidates and being coy about who I was going to support. Womannis and I were busy flinging virtual poo at one another. He was calling me a drunk and insinuating that I harbor latent homosexual longings for the handsome, macho, hairy chested James Ginderske. I was striking back by doing everything I could to sabotage the Ginderske campaign while calling their campaign headquarters to demand they reign in Womannis. It was awful. If a certain 49th Ward voter thinks she has it bad then she aint seen nothing.

But that was last year and this is this year. The campaign is over. Womannis and I both got stuck supporting Don Gordon even though we had been trashing his daughter at one point. Gordon lost the election but that doesn't matter because Womannis and I are now the best of friends. The two BFF's are going to have a party to celebrate our anniversary.

It hasn't been a whole year for us but we just couldn't wait. Thursday, February 14 is the day that the world celebrates as Valentines Day except we in Rogers Park who celebrate Blogentines Day. Could there be a better day for a celebration of our friendship? Why wait a couple more weeks until the actual anniversary of the beginning of our friendship? Besides, Womannis is worried that our rival blogger and archenemy, Tomblogger Eastgard, and his Revolutionary Democrat Communist Party is going to take over Rogers Park and send us to separate labor camps.

Our Blogentines Day celebration will commence at 9:00 pm at the Oasis and you are invited. Jostle_Lynn is making a special anniversary cake. Shrill Morton has promised a special slide show of photographs commemorating our friendship. He better not slip in any of his notorious pictures of piss and poo in the Morse Avenue El Station. Don't miss the chance to buy me and Tomblogger drinks, tell us how much our blogs do for the neighborhood and be bathed in the glow of our happiness. If you're going to attend put your name in the comments section. Tomblogger and I want a count of how many people are coming so we know how many drinks we're going to have purchased for us. We want to pace ourselves.

The following people are not invited. James Ginderske, Katy Hogan, Michael James, Tomblogger Eastgard, Joe NoMooreFoieGras, Nathan NoMooreFoieGras, David FAGus, Don Gordon's Party Girl Daughter, Cowardly Authors Of Anonymous Parody Blogs, Amy Carlson, Brattly (That Foul Bartender From The Red Line Tap) And Any Other Member Of His Roundsteak Band, Mo Cahill, Paradise, Natas Reficul, DorothyParker007, Mark Fletcher, Heather Steans.


Toto said...
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Toto said...

I guess the only one left off the uninvited list is me. Wiff Wiff.

Perhaps I go and pose for some poo pictures with Jostle_Lynn.

She's cracking good looking.

Braig Gernliver said...

You dumb bitch Toto. Even a place as divey as the Oasis doesn't permit dogs. You are most definitely not welcome at what will be the Rogers Park social event of the season.

Happy Blogentines Day.

Toto said...

Well let me lift my hind leg to you, your Braigliness.

Braig Gernliver said...

Does anyone know who this "Craig Gernhardt" idiot is? He keeps popping up here leaving comments that have nothing to do with the matter at hand. The only thing I can figure is that he's some pathetic buffoon who's desperate for attention.

anonymous said...

I liked that video, are we supposed to hate Joe because he breakdances? I don't get it, does Craig think Joe might be a good dancer?

anonymous said...
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anonymous said...

That silly Womannis think's he's seredipitous because he saw someone get a ticket on Pratt, mister, they give out tickets there all the time.

DorothyParker007 said...

Braig you big lug, thanks for all those flowers and bon-bons, my heart goes wang dang doodle.

First of all I want to say Braig I am most honored to be on the uninvited and look forward to seeing you at the Oasis.

Toto said...

Braig, thanks for the dead flowers. What did you do? Steal them off of someone grave? Thanks for the crushed up bag of Cheetos. You should have save the salty snack for that glacierous ice flow outside your building. Sure, now Dorky Parker 007 wants to be your sweetheart and you shower her with love and affection. But wait until she finds a magic pen. Then you'll be all over her.

The Half Jap said...

Hey Liver Lips, it's ROUNDEYE

You know, Chicago Punk Rock

Braig Gernliver said...

I don't care what the name of your band is. It's not like you play any decent music. You losers need to learn some good songs like those from Journey, Foreigner and Pink Floyd.

DorothyParker007 said...

Was that you Toto in the shadows with orange crumbs on your nose. Were you wagging your tail or what was that moving up and down? Braig, yes he might delete my comments, in fact thats all he does, but I know they are pasted up on his crusty condo walls along with Jostle_Lynn.

Bartender, another martini, please, yes, yes make it a double and hurry, Mommy Dearest is on.

The Half Jap said...

When was the last time one of those bands put out an album?

It's been so long that I can't remember.

Quit living in the past you old fart