Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Rogers Park Garden Group Meeting Minutes

Since it was my turn to maintain the tail on commie radical Tomblogger Eastgard I was not able to attend last night's meeting of that nefarious Republican Party front organization otherwise known as the Rogers Park Garden Group. Loyal toady Pamola Van Bison took the minutes so I can share them with you, my blog readers. Here they are.


We had a good meeting for the Rogers Park Garden Group last night. As you can imagine, most of the meeting was taken up with Jostle_Lynn presenting STINKJAR with the Golden Toady Award. The meeting attendees applaud you for your civic mindedness and look forward to hosting the awards ceremony next year. Don Gordon and Michael Harrington were in attendance, looking resplendent in new white robes and conical hoods. They had to leave early as they had a cross burning to attend.

The main item of business is what sort of flowers are acceptable in the gardens of Rogers Park. This prompted much discussion on the types of flowers that are the most patriotic. One attendee suggested that we ban tulips as they came from Turkey, a Muslim country. Others argued that we shouldn't ban tulips as they came to the United States from the Netherlands which was a member of the Coalition Of The Willing whose brave young men and woman swarmed into Iraq kicking plenty of dune coon ass as soon as they were assured that American forces had disarmed the hajis. Either way, any French flowers are most definitely banned. We aren't sure what types of flowers are French but if we catch anyone planting French flowers they can expect a less than friendly visit from the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security. It was decided that all flowers in Rogers Park must be red, white or blue. And don't think commie radicals like Katy Hogan or James Ginderske are going to get away planting beds of flowers entirely in the bright red of the Sovier Union. The RPGG has declared that not only must all flowers planted in Rogers Park be red, white or blue but the beds must contain exactly the same color proportions as those of the American flag.

That's it for now. Sorry you couldn't make it. I hope to see you next month.


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