Thursday, February 7, 2008

You Haven't Heard The Last Of Me Amy Carlton!

Amy Carlton thinks she's so clever. She uses her rabidly anti-Catholic Rubber Nun blog to attack me for calling her a idiot by writing a long post which tells the true story of how some election judges tried to suppress her vote, and those of others, with some fake "magic ink". She tells about how she first followed the judge's instructions to see if her suspicions were unfounded. She tells how she talked to other voters and got their names. She tells how she called the Board of Elections and the news media. She thinks she is some sort of hero because she got the ball rolling on bringing this vote suppression attempt to a halt. A few Joe NoMooreFoieGras lovers are commenting on her anti-Catholic blog telling her how great she is and how terrible I am for calling her a idiot. Amy Carlton is feeling pretty smug right now. Well get over it Amy. You haven't beaten me yet.

Do you think that any of my thousands and thousands of loyal blog readers care about the facts of your voting attempt? Do you think they're angry with me for belittling you? If the answer is yes then you truly are the biggest idiot in the world. Uber-loyal toadies like STINKJAR, Tomblogger Womannis, Pamola, Polar Coast, Sandy Duncan, Phughy, Shrill Morton and, of course, my number one fan Jostle_Lynn read my blog and worship me for exactly those
reasons. They love that I never let the facts get in the way of a good attack. They love that I live to make snide comments and highly personal attacks on my neighbors. That is why my many, many fans read my blog. Yes, sometimes they try and claim they read it because I cover neighborhood stories that no other news source does but if that were the case my credibility and readership would have evaporated years ago. No, people read my blog not to get facts but to see me beat up on losers like you.

You see Amy, the Rogers Park blogosphere is just like junior high school. I am the big jock stud. Jostle_Lynn is the head cheerleader. You are the ugly, unpopular girl that everyone makes fun of. We don't care that you're smarter than us because we can more your life hell!

Blognotes: Anonymous coward "Paradise" -- you are exactly right. The reason Jostle_Lynn wants your name is so she can harass you. Once she gets your name and your picture it is going on the internet with plenty of derisive comments. Notice that Jostle_Lynn is pretty selective about what she gets bent out of shape over? Anonymous Joe NoMooreFoieGras lovers like you give her a conniption but if you were to deride Rogers Park she would stridently defend your right to anonymity claiming that you need to protect yourself from the Alderman and his cronies.


Mark Fletcher said...

Thank god you're alive Braig,

I thought Womannis had tracked you down and had turned you into a handbag or something...

Mark Fletcher said...

Did you model your blog on Fake Steve Jobs? ? This is the best blog in Rogers Park!

Hostile_Lynn said...

Damn right I want to harrass people. That tiny twit Paradise thinks she's so perfect. Well I'm changing my name to Hostile_Lynn. From here out, I want to be as assine as you Braig and as moronic as Womannis.

That babe that voted with the magic ink pen thinks she's soooo special. Wait till she gets married and finds out what its like to have a magic dink husband. He's the one that promises to get things done all over the house and then magically disappears.

I've told that lazy Steve that if he dosen't get off his ass and get this flat fixed up so we can sell and get out here, I'm through!

Braig and Womannis, please keep up the good work. Last year you drove another RP blogger to distraction with your harrassment. Pretty soon there will be nothing left but your fabulous blogs and everyone will follow you over the cliff like lemmings.

anonymous said...

I don't think I'm so perfect, because I know there are no degrees of perfection, either you're perfect or you're not. I've devoted a large amount of study and practice making sure that I am in fact perfect. How people notice this, I don't know. I'm very careful to invent flaws for myself but people see right through it. Well, it takes work, I earned it fair and square.

So anyway, is Womannis a tranny or what? And which way would that be, I find his voice strangely, uh, I mean, he has an interesting voice, you know, I just wondered if you knew which way that would be.

Braig Gernliver said...

Tracked me down and turned me into a handbag? That's a good one Fletch. Not to worry. Womannis may be my best friend and all but let's face it; the only thing that guy's good at tracking down is a 40oz.

Knightridge Overlook said...

Yes. Mannis is a tranny. A granny tranny.

anonymous said...

I don't think I'll ask if you found, nevermind.

Knightridge Overlook said...

It puts the lotion on its skin...

Or else it gets the blog again!