Monday, February 11, 2008

A Call To Civility

In the past few days things have been about as mean as they can get in the Rogers Park blogosphere. It's high time to change the tone around here. Everyone needs to carefully read what super-toady and author of the Rogers Park Neighbor blog, Jostle_Lynn, has written.


I've been taking a sabbatical from blogging. Other than keeping the usual suspects in line and the occasional sycophantic comment I've been silent for weeks. However, I still read the blogs and the meanness I have seen in the past week has forced me to write.

I believe an important lesson in politics (and life)is to maintain public civility with one's enemies. People can disagree passionately, but respect should remain. Too many people don't seem to keep to that. We've seen insult piled upon insult and it has to end. Braig Gernliver and Tomblogger Womannis have taken way too much abuse over the past few days. The worst thing about it is all they tried to do is help one of our more unfortunate neighbors see her flaws so that she could improve herself.

I learned an important lesson early in life. In my youth I was a pretty, smart and popular girl. My Daddy doted on me. My teachers loved me. In high school I was head cheerleader. I dated the star quarterback. I was the leader of the "in" girls. Life was wonderful. I could have easily sat on my laurels and neglected the boys and girls who were less fortunate than I. It would have been so easy to let them wallow in their own stupidity, geekiness and ugliness. But, I've never been one to take the easy road.

Rather than ignoring my dorky classmates I helped them to grow and improve themselves by pointing out their flaws. If they weren't made aware of their faults how could they correct them? Not only did I do this but I inspired the group of girls of which I was the leader to do the same. We used both humor and direct criticism to inform our classmates of their shortcomings. Admittedly things weren't always easy for those in need of our assistance. It never is easy to have one's flaws pointed out Sometimes there were tears and hurt feelings. I expect a certain 49th Ward voter is feeling much the same right now. Well, the geeky kids, under our stern but loving tutelage grew and improved and a certain 49th Ward Voter can too.

I so love Tomblogger and Braig. They remind me of the girls I was friends with in high school. Well, maybe they are fatter and hairier and they always smell like we did on the morning after one of our many "my parents are away for the weekend" house parties but the same spirit is there. They've given so much to the community. I want them shown the appreciation they deserve and not the jeers they have received.



Well said Jostle_Lynn. This is the start of a new week. Let's begin it with improved behavior on the neighborhood blogs.

1 comment:

Hostile_Lynn said...

Ok Jostle_Lynn, who are you fooling? We all know you slept your way to the top of the cheerleading pyramid. Those skankly little cheerleader panties were always just a little too sticky.

Remember the time you got so drunk that we took the Tampax out of your purse and jammed them up your nose? I still have pictures. Remember when you lost the vote for homecoming queen? You went into a bulimic spiral for weeks.

You sure have come down in the world. Quit trying to rescue Braig from his gayness. He's just plain queer, and you can't fix that. As for Womannis, you can keep sponsoring him in all the 12 step programs you want, but to him 12 steps is only the distance between the couch and toilet, if he makes it.

Why don't you go back to blogging about how messy Rogers Park is? I hear the Ace Hardware has a sale on chewing gum solvent. Just get down on your hands and knees and rub. Oh, remember how to do that don't you?