Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Forgetfulness And Inconsistency In Rogers Park

Rogers Park bloggers and blog readers are an inconsistent and forgetful bunch and I am thankful for that. If this were not true I would not hold the role of most popular and respected blogger in the neighborhood. My BFF, Tomblogger Womannis, is going after my archenemy and rival blogger, Tomblogger Eastgard, for slandering the good and decent Don Gordon. He forgets that back in the fall of 2006, when the Ginderske for Alderman campaign, for which Eastgard was the chair and for which Womannis was a volunteer, wanted to spread some dirt on Don Gordon's daughter they turned to me, Womannis's best friend, who was happy to trash this young woman on my blog. He forgets that it was me who spent the first months of the Aldermanic campaign making snide comments about Don Gordon at every opportunity. Eastgard is calling me a Nazi but he wasn't doing so on that fateful night back in 2006 when he called for my help in trashing Don Gordon's family. Eastgard tries to tie Michael Harrington and me together forgetting that there was a time when I was ripping into Harrington for the failure of his 2002 Aldermanic campaign and for some money he allegedly owes me (pay up you bastard). Womannis calls Eastgard and Ginderske communists who are out to establish a totalitarian dictatorship, conveniently forgetting that a year ago he and Eastie were working together making propaganda films aimed at getting Commissar Ginderske elected as Alderman for the 49th Ward.

This is all pretty good but I have to say that the award for inconsistency and forgetfulness goes to my Number One Fan Jostle_Lynn.

Back in November of 2006 Jostle_Lynn wrote on my blog "I don't agree with you that just because one has a blog, they are 'fair game' to nastiness. That's like saying, 'Well, she walked outside, so she was fair game to be hit with a flying tomato.' How does that make sense? Just because one states an opinion, doesn't mean there can be no regard for manners, but then I should know better because of what I read here all the time." Now you could say that this perfectly fits the situation of one 49th Ward voter who had the audacity to fight back after Wommanis and I started dissing her but we haven' heard a peep out of Jostle_Lynn. She's been quick to jump onto the blogs when party crasher Womannis gets kicked out of Heather Steans victory celebration or when some voice of dissent comes onto the blog comments section without having a full blogger profile but despite her statements of two years ago she's giving one 49th Ward voter no support. Thank you Jostle_Lynn!!! It's you and people that share your principles who keep my blog going.


Craig Gernhardt said...

Ah, the good old day's, when crushing Jimmy Boy like a bug was so much fun.

Knightridge Overlook said...

Yeah, that sure worked out well for you. Jim has become politically irrelevant, while you rack up victory after victory. Nice job!

Craig Gernhardt said...

My victories are measured by how high I can get Joe to jump. Not how far my head goes up his ass.

Mark Fletcher said...


Actually, I dont think you can count yourself as the number one blog in Rogers Park; I believe that honor goes to Womannis.

You see, The Bench got a mention in Chicago magazine, wheras The Broken Heart did not. In terms of mainstream media, surely then The Bench has "made it", whilst your other blog remains relatively unknown outside of Rogers Park?

I attribute Womannis's success to him being able to court the tin-foil hat wearing brigade, an audience that your other blog hasnt been able to attract.

In fact, with AmyCarltonGate in full swing, I think your other blog might slip to third place soon.

DorothyParker007 said...

Oh you boys, now be still, its Valentines Day, leave the girl alone. Send her flowers, for peats sake for all the crap you dis at her. Meoooow

DorothyParker007 said...

There once was a man call Braig,
For whom the streets were his bag,
With a click click there and a snap snap here,
He'd wisk home to write words that weren't dear

Knightridge Overlook said...

There was a Morse Asshole named Craig,
Who got all his thoughts from a keg,
Said the blogger, "I'll eat,
All the poop in the street,"
Then he hiccoughed and peed down his leg.