Friday, September 28, 2007

Private Message To Jostle_Lynn

I'm going to need your help today so I hope you're no longer under the control of whatever evil spirit was forcing you to exclaim how much you hate me.

I discovered a true horror here in the hell hole that is Rogers Park. Loyola University is endangering the lives and well being of everyone who is unfortunate to have to live here and I have pictures to prove it. I discovered it while driving to the offices of Hay Chicago magazine and have pictures to prove it!

Now my enemies are going to say that taking pictures while driving is even more dangerous than what Loyola University is doing but I know I can count on you to defend me and point out that I am performing a public service with my blog and therefore anything I do is acceptable no matter whose life I put at risk. Get ready to blog honey! I am going to need you.

Stay tuned to the Broken Liver for an important story on how Loyola University is putting all of our lives at risk.


Jostle_Lynn said...

Hey big boy, you expect me do defend you? After all the horrible things you said about me? You are mean, mean and more mean.

Braig you know these buses are clean and reliable transportation. Oh sure, some people expect that these privledged mostly white adult children deserve to be riding in safety and comfort. But why should this bunch of snotty nosed college kids get it any better than me? I put my life at risk daily on the 147 bus. Do you have any idea what that means? Of course not.

You want me to cuddle up to you and tell every one on your blog what a fantastic guy you are and how you took your life into your own hands by driving at high speed using a cell phone with a camera to take pictures of this bus.

And that you did this to make everyone safer because that louse Joe Moore won't buy those poor deserving white kids a new bus.

But what you don't know is I was on that 147 behind you. I watched as you swerved to take a picture and cut off our bus, causing the the driver to slam his breaks. The rear end of the bus fishtailed. There were people thrown all over the place. Teeth were knocked out, bones were broken and I got my hair messed.

I'm sick of you.

Braig Gernliver said...

Loyal Broken Liver readers -- I want you all to know that this is not the real Jostle_Lynn talking. The real Jostle_Lynn is a sweet lovely person who lives to defend me against my many enemies and admire me and my big crotch rocket. What has happened here is that my dear Jostle_Lynn has been possessed by a demon. I called those priests at Loyola University about getting an exorcism performed. I told them it was time to stop lusting after all those barely legal college boys and do some work. They hung up on me. What a useless institution. They're in bed with something besides college freshmen -- JOE NOMOOREFOIEGRAS!!!

tom banannis said...
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tom banannis said...

I'll be playing the role of General Field Marshal if you will be my little urban guerilla Jostle Lynn (aka Tania). We will reclaim Rogers Park from the illegal aliens and ethnically cleanse those who are not worthy.

Remember only the right wing is the right way.

The revolution is nearly here.

Jostle_Lynn said...

Braig: I will no longer be your fag hag in the blogosphere. Yes, it was a good run while it lasted but you see, Tom Banannis here offers so much more excitement.

You see my life is boring. Everyday I come home to a house that is falling apart. Steve, he's glued to ESPN, has started speaking to me only in primal grunts and snorts.

Blogging with you Craig used to get me excited, but the thrill is gone.

Tom Banannis is offering me a key commission in his Rogers Park Liberation Army (RPLA) and we are going for total revolution.

tom banannis said...

That's right Jostle_Lynn (Tania for those who want to particpate in the revolution).

Power to the people. That video I shot last week of the cops... That's just the start. We will take no harrassment from those establishment Daley hired pigs.

Braig Gernliver said...

Special Blog Note: Tom Banannis, leader of the Rogers Park Liberation Army, is not the same Tom as Tomblogger Womannis, prominent neighborhood Republican and my new best friend. Tomblogger Womannis will be guest blogging on the Broken Liver in the near future. We're not sure what Tom Banannis will be doing but if you want to know you can find out about it first here at The Broken Liver. If we don't like what the RPLA is doing we'll be revenge blogging about it and that will show them.