Sunday, December 9, 2007

Be Afraid -- Be Very Afraid

Local tough guy Tomblogger Womannis has posted a new picture on his blog which shows what a violent, dangerous place Rogers Park is. The picture is of a crude handwritten sign stating that the author was the victim of an armed robbery. The sign gives no details about the incident or anything about the author's identity. Tomblogger has unimpeachable credibility so if he posted this picture on his blog you know it means something. Joe NoMooreFoieGras keeps saying "crime is down". This sign proves that not only is crime not down but it is soaring to astrological levels. I know all about crime in Rogers Park. I have a police scanner and all I ever hear on it are calls about crimes. Make no mistake, this is a very, very bad neighborhood.

I'm the toughest SOB on the planet and I tremble with fear every time I walk the mean streets of the hell hole. Tomblogger Womannis is the second toughest SOB on the planet and he trembles with fear too. Hell, early this morning when we were walking home from the Oasis you could smell the consequences of his fear. "I'd like to see some pussy ass liberal walk around this 'hood. They wouldn't last three seconds." said Tomblogger. Shrill Morton now never leaves home without his gun and his leather gloves. Uber-loyal reader Jostle_Lynn can't rent out the second floor of her two flat. Jostle_Lynn told the Broken Liver "Lots of people come to see my rental apartment. They think its pretty nice. When they ask what the neighborhood is like I tell them to read your blogs as they are the best source of information about Rogers Park. None of them come back with a completed rental application. It's all the Alderman's fault."

Make no mistake. It is not safe to be in the streets of Rogers Park. If you don't live here don't come here. If you are a big enough loser to live here then don't leave your squalid little apartment. Stay inside and stay tuned to my blogs. I'll tell you everything you need to know. To quote Tomblogger Womannis -- "Nice Neighborhood -- NOT!"

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