Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Broken Liver Announces New Rules For Posting Comments

In the next couple of days (with a tiny bit of help from my former archenemy and new BFF, Tomblogger Womannis) I will be posting an important story which will shake Rogers Park to its decrepit foundations. This story is certain to attract lots of comments. So, it is necessary to set some rules for posting comments.

Anyone who comments without using their real name is a cowardly cur. The exception to this rule are people who hate Joe NoMooreFoieGras, love me and think Rogers Park is the worst slum in the world. You need to post anonymously. Joe NoMooreFoieGras and his pack of goons are vicious and will retaliate against people who tell the truth about them. If you want to post something I don't like you must use your real name, your address, all telephone numbers, your date of birth, your social security number and your mother's maiden name. That way myself, Tomblogger Womannis and Rogers Park's answer to Freida Foreman, Boxing SheWoman, can find you and explain to you why most people in Rogers Park agree with everything we say.

Blognotes: Thanks to all the concerned neighbors who called or emailed to ask about the well being of Tomblogger Womannis. He's doing much better today. He's still convinced that Tomblogger Eastgard is trying to build a sand barrier to stop General B. Trayus and his force of American Heroes. He doesn't believe that Wee Wee Tommyblogger was just shoveling sand off the concrete path in Loyola Park so that Joe NoMooreFoieGras can say what a great job he's doing of maintaining the parks. However, Womannis agrees with me that Tommyblogger is way to weak, nerdy and inept to construct an effective barrier and the incoming waves of Delta Force, the Navy Seals and Marines will not be slowed one bit. He did do a good job of clearing the concrete path. Womannis and I are heading down there in a few minutes to push sand back onto the path. That will show Tommyblogger. We might even kick sand on Tommyblogger.


newgarder said...

What was that movie line: "I went down to the beach and copies of Byron were kicked in my face."

Heyyy-how would you like a 1/100,000,000,000,000,000.000,000.000,0431,672nd
share of the word THE or any of its letters? This investment is only $61,863.93 1/205ths a share but the return should triple that amount within 0.0000183.4279 seconds upon confirmation of official ownership registration.

DO NOT deny YOURSELF this wonderful ground floor opportunity-your impoverished great-great grandchildren will laugh at your memory if you do.

Email right now.

Knightridge Overlook said...

Ah, but I have a big plan...