Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Parody Blogs Popping Up All Over

It seems that there's yet one more bad parody blog (http://www.morosehellhole.blogspot.com/) in the neighborhood. This one puports to be written by one "Tom Westgard" and is clearly meant to parody (and is maybe even written by) my rival blogger and archenemy Tomblogger Eastgard.

For those of you who are new to my blogs let me tell you a bit about TB Eastgard (or "Eastie" as some people call him). He wants people to think he's a store front lawyer but in reality he works about as much as me and my new best friend Tomblogger Womannis do. Back in the day, before I totally banned him, "Eastie" used to get on my other blog and write nasty comments about how my blog was overly sensational and how I made the neighborhood out to be worse than it really is. Later he went and deleted all his comments from my blog because he realized he was wrong and I was right.

"Eastie" is a nasty jealous person. He was campaign chair for Aldermanic Candidate James Ginderske. Under Eastie's leadership the campaign was going nowhere even though I was hard at work blogging about what a skank rival candidate Don Gordon's daughter is and my good friend Jostle_Lynn was sending sneering notes to wannabe candidate Chris Adams while I mocked him for failing to respond to her insults. It was time for me to step in and save Ginderske's floundering campaign.

As publisher of Hay Chicago magazine I was in a good position to help "Ol Blue Eyes". He likes people to think of him as a macho man union electrician. He had pictures of himself on his campaign website in his work gear and pictures of himself with his shirt off. I told him, why not converge these facets of your campaign and pose for the centerfold of Hay Chicago magazine wearing nothing but your work boots, hard hat and tool belt. I told him Hay Chicago has a big readership in Rogers Park and they'd be certain to snatch up an issue of "Ol Blue Eyes" showing off his hairy chest and a few other attributes too.

Well "Eastie" threw a total fit. He was so jealous that I came up with this great idea that he told me he'd never comment on my blog again and that he was going to get his official campaign videographer and blogger, my then archenemy and current best friend Tomblogger Womannis, to blog about me. Despite the dire nature of these threats I didn't back down because I never back down when I'm fighting the powers of Rogers Park and trying to get plenty of attention for myself.

After that I blogged and blogged about how bad my former dog sitter James "Ol Blue Eyes" Ginderske is. I totally destroyed his campaign. I reluctantly blogged for the Father of the Skank Daughter but it was too late for even me to save his floundering campaign and Joe NoMooreFoieGras won yet another term which makes my very happy as you'll all have to read my blog for another four years to find out how bad he is and what a hell hole you live in.


Knightridge Overlook said...

That's a really confusing story. Am I confused? No, I don't really think so. I think the confusion lies with someone whose loyalties and principles shift so radically from day-to-day. It's weird to see them all listed out, though.

newgarder said...

Bung Gulliver-you feel fine to think it is necessary to fool those who may be pals of you in another day,huh?
Maybe be not so good for you in the A.M. of the new year hours when the clock says take a looksee,huh Stag Dunbigger?
Oh Brag,its for sure others make Chappelle all across the lunchtime but when the bosses of us find out they may sound:Onay appelleChay odaytay- ouyay isteninglay atwhay all eway aysayay-uoija?
Ho-ho-ho,yes-Garbler Evirgin-memories say one does befend oneself against others,aks them what march the army walk in the deserts of Haji.They say truthly-so Grab Reveille what's must see in your mind to show us as T.V.experience?