Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Blogoween!

Don't forget! Today is a good day to show your rejection of our alderman, Joe NoMooreFoieGras and replace Halloween with Blogoween. I blogged about this great new holiday in an earlier post ( ). Rogers Park's leading Republican, Tomblogger Womannis has been spending all of the daylight hours starring in horrified fascination at the pornographic drawings of our own Jostle_Lynn that are on display in Katy Hogan's No Exit Cafe but he assures me that his "Hell House" (showing children what happens to godless sinners who read Harry Potter novels, study evolution in school or vote for Joe NoMooreFoieGras) will be ready for this evening's festivities.

In addition to the fun activities that I described in my original announcement there will be a costume contest. Children are encouraged to dress as their favorite neighborhood blogger. Come dressed as me, Tomblogger Womannis, Jostle_Lynn, Sandy Duncan, Phughy, Shrill Morton or ME! I'm serving as the fair and impartial judge so guess which costume will win?


Bill Morton said...

I'm going as Shrill Morton for Blogoween! Hooray!

Natas said...

I'm going as the Adelphi Theater, Just For Bill!

G.N.O.M.E. said...

G.N.O.M.E. Global Nexis of Mayhem Everywhere

And what about the Gnomes? You can't be bothered to wish us a Happy Blog-O-Weenie?

Braig, I hope you didn't give the trick or treaters those Chocolate covered Snot-Bars again this year. Yeah, you tell the kiddies its caramel filling, but we know what it really is.

I hear Tom Womannis was giving out peanut brittle he received last year for X-Mas (oh sorry Christ-mas). Ugh. That stuff is so stale. No wonder half your teeth are broken.

Jostle_Lynn, can't you come up with something more creative than handing out Tic-Tac breath mints? Yes, just one little box of them can go a long way, but do you have to be so cheap all the time?

Shrill, I stopped by your house. It was dark. I left empty Cheetos bags all over your lawn and took a crap on your doorstep.

Phughy came to the door when we rang the bell. He handed each kid a list of contributors to Joe Moore for the past 6 years. What was that all about? I pelted his house with a couple of rotten eggs that I found in the dumpster behind Harland Cafe.

We saw Tom Eastgard out by himself. Tom, you can afford something new next year. The Poke-e-Man pajamas just don't look cute anymore. And while you're at it, buy a new pillowcase.

Knightridge Overlook said...

Those ratty pajamas scare off the competition, and when I ask for candy the people at the door take pity and give me more. The system works; don't knock it.