Saturday, October 6, 2007

The Broken Liver Thanks Hard Working Readers

We here at the Broken Liver would like to thank our hard working readers who take lots of time out of their work day to post comments on The Broken Liver of Rogers Park. We are lucky to have wonderful, loyal readers like Polar Coast and Jostle_Lynn (at least in her pre-demonic possession days) who stand up to domineering bosses who have the audacity to expect them to do some silly filing or answering of phone calls. It is far more important that they use the time that their boss is paying them for to be involved with their community and post comments on this blog telling me how wonderful I am.

The next time your boss complains about you reading and blogging during the work day you tell him you're not some lazy Pace "worker" sleeping in your car on Morse Avenue. You're wide awake and you are hard at work and if he doesn't let you read the "Broken Liver" on company time then Braig Gernliver will blog about him and does he want that?


Jostle_Lynn said...

Braig, you are such a big phoney. You don't own the blogosphere. In fact, I know for certain that Tom Banannis owns the blogosphere. Here's a man that knows grammar and spelling, afterall he was, for a short period of time, the Assistant Media Director for the American Conservative Union 27 years ago. That gives him a ton of credentials. In fact he still likes to call himself by that title even though he hasn't held that job for 27 years.

Braig, you could really use a grammer and spelling tune up on your blog. Why just the other day, when you were writing about not having a license for your god, I kept wondering why you'd want to licence GOD? I thought this was a free country and you didn't have to get a licences to worship. I will check this with Tom Banannis, because I know the conswervatives know all about legal rights of individuals.

As for that lazy good fornothing PACE working taking a snooze on company time... This is so sad. Imagine Morse Avenue beging safe enough for a public servant to take a nap. I don't believe one word of this story Braig. You made it up. Everyone knows Morse is a very, very dangerous place to be.

Braig Gernliver said...

Poor Jostle_Lynn. Satan has taken control of her and is forcing her to hit her computer keys. This is the 21st century version of The Exorcist. The real, normal Jostle_Lynn never disagrees with me. She either applauds what I say or sits quietly and faithfully by while I use my attack blog to attack people she doesn't like.

New Liver in Rogers Park said...

Dear Braig:

I'm a new resident of Rogers Park and I just can't stand it anymore. This place is so depressing. I think I'm going to hang myself or slash my wrists.

I think it wouldn't be so bad, but people here criticise everything about everybody, included their spelling.

I think I'm just going to lay down in Sheridan Road.

Braig Gernliver said...

Dear New Liver,

Yes, moving to Rogers Park is the worst mistake you'll ever make in your life. Don't let the beaches, the tree lined streets and all the new homes and businesses fool you. This is the worst slum in Chicago and maybe even in the whole world. If you had been smart and been reading the Broken Liver every day you would have known that.

Some might think that I would be happy if you lay down in the middle of Sheridan Road because I could take pictures of your squished remains for my blog and blame Joe NoMooreFoieGras for your unfortunate death but that is not true. I am much happier with you alive, reading my blog and telling me how great I am.

There is no need to be depressed. Depression is anger turned inward. We here in Rogers Park turn our anger outward by blogging morning, noon and night about how awful everything and everyone is. You should do that too. Read the Broken Liver every day and maybe even every hour and post lots of comments about how bad Rogers Park is and how everything would be perfect if Joe NoMooreFoieGras was ground into slurry and poured down the throat of a French goose. And, make sure you post lots of comments telling me how wonderful I am. If you don't I might ban you from The Broken Liver Of Rogers Park and then you'd really have something to be depressed about.